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Shortage forces firefighters and police to drive ambulances

FOLLOWING revelations Penola Country Fire Service (CFS) volunteers were recently called upon to drive an ambulance, the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) says an...

Teenager leaves lasting mark

HE WAS a talented soccer goalkeeper and passionate about the environment, but William Fry will be remembered most as "the best son a parent...

Fringe Festival returns

MOUNT Gambier will be transported to another world next year with the Fringe Festival receiving the green light once again. Following the cancellation of...

Forestry carbon credit push on ice

STATE and Federal MPs have poured cold water on Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell’s push to lease carbon credits generated from the South...

MP “at a loss” to explain Grant vaccine take up

MEMBER for Barker Tony Pasin says he is “at a loss” to explain the discrepancy in double dose vaccination rates in the Grant District...

Mount Burr CFS receives second-hand truck

MOUNT Burr Country Fire Service (CFS) crew members will no longer have to sit in the rear deck of a single cab truck during...

Call for palliative care services continue

SUPPORT for a palliative care boost in the former Mount Gambier Private Hospital ward continues to swell with a prominent Mount Gambier resident's stance...

City Lions Club helps give gift of vision

AROUND 2800 pairs of used prescription glasses from Mount Gambier be sent to developing countries as part of a Lions Club initiative to help...

Timberlink adds to expansion

TIMBERLINK has announced a $5.3m upgrade to its Tarpeena manufacturing facility, with the installation of a new Light Organic Solvent Preservative timber treatment plant. Timberlink...

Plover count growing

A new report by BirdLife Australia has found that the Limestone Coast's hooded plover population may be increasing. BirdLife Australia Coast and Marine Project Manager...

Negative Covid test for workers

TWO employees at Borg Manufacturing have returned negative Covid test results after being identified as close contacts of a truck driver who was infectious...

Detailed Grant mayoral expenditure to be released

FIRST-TERM Grant District councillor Megan Dukalskis says she is “bolstered and buoyed” after elected members unanimously backed a motion requiring a detailed list of...

Robe goes vintage for Music Fair

THE streets of Robe will once again be filled with music as the town prepares to host the Robe Vinyl and Retro Music Fair...