Charities receive funding support

DRIVE FOR A CAUSE: Limestone Coast Family Truck Show recipients Trudi Shelton of Four Reasons Why, Peter Burchell of the truck show committee, Bob Sandow of Mount Gambier RSL, Carmel Grosvenor for, Nathan Butler from 5GTRFM, Dante Pepe of Spare Ya Change For Kids and Maree Thompson of Sunset Kitchen.

Charlotte Varcoe

A LARGE trailer of toys have been delivered for children in need following another successful Limestone Coast Family Truck Show.

More than 220 toys were delivered to which is now expected to support the organisation’s distribution of gifts to vulnerable children and families throughout the festive season.

Truck show committee president Peter Burchell said despite being yet another challenging year, the overall achievements of the event was granted a success.

“We were not able to contribute the same amount of monetary donations as last year, however the toy donations and response has been just as good,” Mr Burchell said.

“We will still have vouchers coming in and we are going to try and move assistance further throughout the Limestone Coast such as in Naracoorte, Penola and Millicent which will encompass the entire region.

“If there are people who think they may be worthy, they are able to contact us because we are open to someone coming to us and asking for assistance even though we can only give them a small assistance.”

He said the committee was already looking forward to the 2022 event and were hoping to spread the cheer wider.

“We give the toys and a monetary donation, however this year we spread the monetary donations across several not-for-profit organisations,” Mr Burchell said.

“It is important for us to keep doing this each year, because the truck part of the show appreciates the industry here in Mount Gambier and the drivers who don’t usually get too much recognition in the area.

“The convoy however, raises awareness and promotes the kids in our area, especially those in need.

“If organisations like ours do not give back to local charities, these charities would fold and our community would be worse off so it is important that we recognise that.”

Limestone Coast Homelessness Service support worker Carmel Grosvenor said it was wonderful to receive the donations from various appeals, businesses, individuals and community groups across the Limestone Coast to help spread Christmas cheer to those in need.

“Sadly, we are seeing an increase in the number of people in need of support across the region following the uncertainty and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has also contributed to a growing housing crisis with less affordable properties available for people on low incomes,” Ms Grosvenor said.

“The impact of in supporting people, especially at Christmas, was increased by donations to the appeal and throughout the year at our website.”

Alongside, the 48 Army Cadets Unit, Sunset Kitchen, Spare Ya Change For Kids, Four Reasons Why, Mount Gambier RSL and 5GTRFM all received funding.