Christmas rush is on

PACKED: Smiggle manager, Megan Starick said that shoppers started buying Christmas presents all the way back in September.

Elsie Adamo

THE Christmas rush started early this year, according to local retailers.

With no sign of a slowdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, managers at Mount Gambier Marketplace have said stores are as busy as ever.

Smiggle manager, Megan Starick is celebrating her tenth Christmas working at the store.

“People are getting in early and getting things done,” Ms Starick said.

“People had Christmas on their mind back in September.

“There is that apprehension of what is happening in South Australia at the moment and they are not hesitating, they are getting organised.

“I feel it is busier than last year.

“When the borders opened, we saw a lot of our familiar faces.”

Ms Starick said the extra demand has meant taking on a new Christmas casual staff member for the first time.

“That has been really wonderful,” she said.

“I have a young girl on who is home from university.”

Owner of Harper & Co Boutique, Stacy Fennell, said the store has been busier than at the same time in 2020.

“It has been really busy, with Covid we have not really noticed much difference,” said Ms Fennell

“It is a lot better this year than last year, we still had a really good October, November and December last year too, but this year has exceeded our expectations.

“Our stock just seems to be coming by the truck load, as quick as we get it in it goes straight back out again.”

Ms Fennell said most people visiting the store have been following the Covid-19 rules.

“Most people are, there are the odd few that do not,” she said.

Maree MacLeod, manager at Lowes Australia, said she was surprised how early the Christmas shoppers arrived.

“The Christmas rush is full bore, we can really tell, we have had to pick up the pace,” Ms MacLeod said.

“It is not something I was prepared for, I thought I had a couple weeks to edge myself into it, but it crept up on me.

“It has come quite a bit early.”