Recycling staff save garbage truck from fire

QUICK-THINKING by staff at the recycling yard to remove rubbish from a garbage truck after noticing smoke coming from the tray has saved the vehicle from significant damage.

Mount Gambier Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) firefighters were called to the scene on Eucalypt Drive just after 11am on Wednesday after reports of a fire in a vehicle.

Before firefighters arrived, staff noticed the fire was spreading in the truck and made the decision to offload the rubbish in a clear space in the rear yard.

MFS acting station officer Matt Williamson said the smart decision prevented potentially catastrophic damage to the vehicle.

“The staff started extinguishing the fire with hose reels at the location, however when it started to get away from them they made the smart decision to dump the rubbish,” Mr Williamson said.

“When we arrived most of it was out and we just had to water down a few hot spots.”

Mr Williamson said because of the quick-thinking by staff, there was no damage to the garbage truck.

“The truck is probably worth around $400,000 I would say, so it was a great outcome,” Mr Williamson said.