Specialist cleaning at caves

NARACOORTE Cave guides recently participated in a series of specialist workshops and demonstrations on cave cleaning and restoration.

Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association representatives John Brush and Marjorie Coggan visited the caves to share their knowledge.

Mr Brush said working with the soft Naracoorte limestones had been a new experience.

“It is very different from the 300-400 million year old limestones and marbles of southern New South Wales – more like the porous, easily damaged New Zealand limestones,” he said.

“Every cave, every cleaning project is different, and each project proposal has to be carefully assessed before starting.”

He said local guides knew the caves better than anyone and were quick to notice any changes.

Mosses, algae and other plants grow naturally near cave entrances, but the internal growths around lights, referred to as lampenflora, need to be removed.

Naracoorte Caves acting manager Nick McIntyre said the guides were enthusiastic about learning cleaning methods designed especially for caves.

“We are working together to schedule regular cleaning and maintenance activities to make sure the caves continue to provide the best possible experience for our guests,” he said.