Tag: Limestone Coast
Health emergency assurance sought
A PENOLA resident who required emergency treatment at Penola War Memorial Hospital's emergency department during a health scare has called for a State Government...
Penola entrepreneur to guide State Premier
PENOLA businesswoman and entrepreneur Simone Kain will join a peer group to advise Premier Steven Marshall on how to attract and retain young global...
Men’s Shed members continue community projects following forced closure
PENOLA Men's Shed members have picked up power tools and continued to complete community work after returning to the facility after a forced closure.
Community leader tackles fresh project
THE Penola and District Cultural Fund has farewelled its founder with Peter Rymill resigning after more than 20 years at the helm.
Mr Rymill has...
Students get through testing times
YEAR 12 students have returned to the classroom for term three, buoyed by the knowledge end of year exams will go ahead in 2020.
Survey to expose substance abuse behind closed doors
A STUDY to determine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic upon Limestone Coast’s drug and alcohol services sector is expected to provide key insights...
Farmers face uncertainty heading towards spring sale season
PENOLA district farmers have raised concerns about the financial implications of the South Australia-Victoria border restrictions on the primary produce sector as the typically...
Sports club switch up financial game plan
THE impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Limestone Coast sport clubs could be felt far and wide as many continue to struggle with the...
School upgrade plan triggers facility relocation discussion
NEW details have been released regarding the Penola Community Library redevelopment following public concerns access to the facility would be limited.
Penola High School has...
Clear study goals set in uncertain year
YEAR 12 students across the Limestone Coast entered Term 3 this week with the knowledge the South Australian Certificate of Education exams would proceed...
City designer to guide state premier on talent retention
LIMESTONE Coast designer and entrepreneur Ashlee Kalantarian has been announced as one of 40 South Australians aged under 40 to advise Premier Steven Marshall...
Trail extension to entice visitors
EXTENDING the existing Mount Gambier Rail Trail could generate huge economic benefits to the Limestone Coast region and encourage people to stop and stay...