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Locals bypassed

ADELAIDE and Riverland businesses have been contracted by the State Government to undertake traffic management at Covid-19 testing and Rapid Antigen Test pick-up locations...

Hospitality industry needs more government support: Labor

STATE Treasurer Rob Lucas has not ruled out another round of business grants for the hospitality and other industries impacted by government mandated Covid-19...

Mount Gambier Australia Day awards

THE City of Mount Gambier held its Australia Day Awards ceremony in a restricted format this week as a result of Covid-19 concerns. The traditional...

McBride: Election an influence on border opening

THE timing of the opening of the borders may have been influenced by the upcoming State election in March, suggested Liberal MacKillop MP, Nick...

Rotary well wishes to move

A NEW wishing well may be the solution to preventing thieves from helping themselves at the Mount Gambier Rotary Club well. Located in the Cave...

National recognition

MOUNT Gambier's Margaret Winterfield and Millicent's Garry Davis have been recognised with Order of Australia medals in the Australia Day Honours List. Mrs Winterfield's medal...

Mount Gambier businesses rally behind volunteers

WITH the Blue Lake Golf Club being situated on the side of the Mount Gambier crater, the club's bar and bistro owner Bill Burley...

Crater fire

FIREFIGHTERS who battled a blaze at Mount Gambier's Crater Lakes for 38 hours were stood down on Wednesday evening following welcome rain. The...

Labor commits to Keith Hospital

KEITH Hospital may receive a $9.75 million boost in funding, if Labor is elected in the upcoming State election. The funding was announced by Labor...

New citizens naturalised

SIX residents became naturalised Australians at Wattle Range Council's Australia Day ceremony in Millicent today. Held at the Millicent Civic and Arts Centre, the naturalisation...

Police kept busy in Millicent

POLICE were kept busy in Millicent last Friday with two vehicle accidents, one which resulted in a hole in a wall at the former...

Funds to help heritage

A TOTAL of $20,000 will be provided to 19 owners of local heritage listed properties through the City of Mount Gambier's Local Heritage Restoration...

Summer Swimming perfect for Championships

THERE was plenty of action at the recent SA Country Swimming Championships, with swimmers from the Limestone Coast and beyond hoping to impress both...

Raffle success