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Road closures for reconstruction project

NARACOORTE Lucindale Council will start reconstruction of a section of Old Caves Road in Naracoorte this month.Stage one of a three-stage project, the works will be completed from Caves Road 3.8km north towards[...]

City home to crime investigation branch

DETECTIVES who were recently stationed at Millicent and Naracoorte will move to the Mount Gambier Police Station following South Australian Police's approval of the centralisation of Crime Investigation Branch (CIB) resources[...]

Record burns forcasted

PRESCRIBED burns are set for record numbers this season as the Department for Environment and Water prepares to reduce bushfire risk in areas across South Australia. Over spring and autumn, 65 burns treating over 7300[...]

Thefts spark warning

MOUNT Gambier Police are advising local car owners to lock unattended vehicles following a series of thefts in the city. Since the beginning of September there have been 18 offences reported to police of interference with[...]

Council projects to progress

MOUNT Gambier City Council will progress a number of engineering projects across the city this month Footpath construction on Swallow Drive is 90pc completed, while road reconstruction on Sturt Street (between Bay Road[...]

Portland showcased as premier cruise destination

PORTLAND was showcased as a premier regional cruise destination at Australia's biggest cruise conference in Western Australia this month Glenelg Shire Council met some of the world's biggest cruise operators at the[...}

Alliance seeks Princes Highway repairs

A GROUP of western Victorian regional councils has formed an alliance to lobby state and federal governments for $300m to upgrade Princes Highway West between Colac and the South Australian border. Warrnambool City{...]

Beach Energy is here to stay

BEACH Energy is set to have a permanent presence in the heart of Penola after securing a building on Church Street for its regional office. The refurbished building will be a modern office space and will include information[...]

Families benefit from medical unit upgrade

NEARLY 100 South Australian families with chronically ill children are set to benefit from the redeveloped Medical Day Unit and Renal Dialysis Unit at the Women's and Children's Hospital. Premier Steven Marshall said the[...]

Health chair appointed

FORMER Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast chief executive Grant King has been appointed chair of the South East Local Health Network. Under a State Government restructure, SA Health will establish 10 local[...]

Innovative recycling options explored

MOUNT Gambier City Council will continue to explore potential waste management and recycling opportunities, including the use of crushed glass in road construction. A report received at council's monthly meeting[...]

Taxi issue ‘put to bed’ by council

MOUNT Gambier City Council will take no further action to reinstate the city's taxi by-law when it expires on January 1 The legislation that permitted council to make its current taxi by-law was repealed by State Parliament in March

Markets reports January 29

Yarding: 919 Change: -669 NARACOORTE CATTLE Tuesday, January 28 Cattle numbers were back by 669/head with 919 yarded this week at Naracoorte. Numbers were made up of...