Resident adapts to ‘dramatic changes’

Mark Lovett  TBW Newsgroup
LIFE ADJUSTMENT: UniSA Aboriginal student and community engagement officer Mark Lovett continues to make adjustments to his daily life in response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Mark Lovett  TBW Newsgroup
LIFE ADJUSTMENT: UniSA Aboriginal student and community engagement officer Mark Lovett continues to make adjustments to his daily life in response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

LIFE has changed dramatically for many Limestone Coast residents due to ongoing Federal Government restrictions put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Everything from the workplace to the classroom has been dramatically altered and even the simple gestures of a dinner with friends or a handshake greeting have been advised against.

Now in his third week working from a home office, University of South Australia Mount Gambier campus Aboriginal student and community engagement officer Mark Lovett has embraced the transition into online work and study at the educational facility.

Conceding it was a challenging experience being in the same setting 24 hours a day, Mr Lovett said he would focus on normalising the new situation as much as possible.

“So far it has not affected me but I think in a couple of months it might,” he said.

Mr Lovett is limiting his public exposure due to falling in the high-risk health category.

“I am one of the First Nations people of Australia and due to that and my age it puts me in the high-risk category,” he said.

Working from home has provided a number of challenges for Mr Lovett, including maintaining balance between family and work.

“We have our children home from school now as well so we are trying to maintain their routine while also maintaining ours as much as possible,” he said.

“But it is just about getting creative with their learning and introducing different ways they can learn at home such as cooking to teach them home economics or fixing things around the house and keeping that hands on learning alive.”

The Border Watch wants to highlight how daily life has been impacted by changes brought on by COVID-19 and we need your help to do it.

Whether it be working from home, how you’re keeping your children entertained or learning, right through to quirky or different ways you keep your day fun – please share your experience. Simply send a photograph and brief story (50-100 words) to to help connect with and inspire others during this time of significant societal change.