Fire crews extinguish rubbish truck blaze

RECYCLABLES in the hopper of a council rubbish truck caught fire Thursday morning forcing the driver to return to the depot and call the Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS).

At around 10.30am, the Mount Gambier MFS responded to the calls and attended the depot where the driver had dumped the recyclables, which were on fire in an open area.

Station officer Matt Williamson said council staff took the appropriate steps to ensure the blaze caused as little damage as possible.

“When the driver was out, he noticed smoke coming from the hopper and immediately returned to the depot,” Mr Williamson said.

“The council have a plan to go to a big open area at the back of the depot and release the rubbish or recyclables if they are on fire.”

Mr Williamson said it took three units around an hour to extinguish the blaze with the assistance of council staff.

“We inspected the truck and it probably caused around $20,000, but it is worth around $500,000, so it was a good save,” he said.

“Council were really helpful assisting us with a bulk water cart and helping to break everything down.”

There were no injuries as a result of the fire.