Shooters on target

A GRADE: Runner-up Mark Fabris and winner Tom Weir.

A SHOOT-OFF was required to decide the winner of the SE Field and Game 100-target English Sporting Event.

Sponsored by Richmond Park Sheep Stud, Stuart Bowd Contracting and Mount

Gambier Rural supplies, the event attracted a strong field of 71 competitors, with Jeremy Kent claiming the Gambier Shooting Supplies high gun award after a shoot-off with Gavin Dyson, after both shot an impressive 97/100.

A two-person family team shoot, sponsored by Russell Industries, was won by

Gavin and Kevin Dyson Off The Gun and the Handicap was won by Daniel and

Kain Ashby.


High Gun: Jeremy Kent, 97/100.

AA Grade: Gavin Dyson, 97/100; Daniel Ashby, 94/100; Danny Bellinger, 93/100.

B Grade: Dale Smith, 85/100; Tim Lloyd, 77/100; Simon Withers, 74/100.

C Grade: Matt Lucas, 58/100; Adam Kuhl, 52/100.

Senior: Ernie Scheidl, 90/100; Greg Kessegian, 88/100; Bruce Oakley, 77/100.

Veteran: Chris VonStanke, 89/100; Wayne Evans, 88/100; Wayne Gurney, 84/100.

Women: Tasha Bellinger, 87/100; Meagan Whitehead, 67/100; Sonya Vanderhorst, 66/100.

Junior: Kody Vanderhorst, 78/100; Ben Hastings, 73/100; Brodie VonStanke-Dowie, 63/100.

Sub-Junior: Shakielle VonStanke, 84/100; Kain Ashby, 69/100.