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Home Tags Millicent art group

Tag: millicent art group

Gardiner Noll Boweringweb TBW Newsgroup

New kiln in sights as council donates to Millicent art group

BACKING for an ambitious arts project in Millicent has recently come from Wattle Range Council. Mayor Des Noll recently called at the Millicent Arts and...
Hollingsworth Neagle Fennell  TBW Newsgroup

Millicent art group wheels out new creative project

A GROUP of local art enthusiasts has come up with a stylish way to welcome 5000 cyclists to Millicent on the weekend of November...

Gernz takes off with launch party

GERNZ, together with Cave City Promotions, will celebrate the release of the band's two recent singles at the Gernz Single Launch Party next weekend....