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Tag: Cave Divers Association of Australia

Sinkhole access granted

AFTER two years without access, the gates to Kilsby's Sinkhole at Mount Schank are once again open to members of the Cave Divers Association...

The Sisters Sinkhole explored

THE surface water is green and murky, but as I descend it becomes somewhat clearer and before long the wreck of a truck becomes...

Sinkhole prime for diver training

KNOWN primarily as a training site among cave divers, Gouldens Sinkhole in Mount Schank has seen thousands of students explore its cold and normally...

Fleeced ram rescued

AFTER 15 years at the bottom of a Mount Gambier sinkhole, the statue of a ram has been brought to the surface by cave...

Coldest sinkhole a ‘hidden gem’

KNOWN among cave divers as the coldest sinkhole in the South East, Ela Elap is hidden in a paddock on private property in Mount...

Highway to underwater heaven

A UNIQUE sinkhole in the middle of a state highway linking Mount Gambier and Port MacDonnell has been attracting cave divers to the South...

Lone tree marks mysterious deep cavern

KNOWN as "One Tree" by the cave diving community, this water-filled sinkhole gained its name from a lone pine tree standing near its northern...

Natural underwater wonder explored

HIDDEN in a vast pine plantation on the outskirts of Mount Gambier lies one of the Lower South East's most valued treasures - a...

Women enjoy their day out at the dogs

THE women of the Visually Impaired Club of Mount Gambier and Districts were welcome visitors at Tara Raceway last Sunday. Their visit had been...