Corporate bowls kicks off

FOCUSED: Robe's Steve Farrell sends down a bowl during the weekend's pennant game. Picture: JAMES MURPHY

THE Robe Community Bank Corporate Bowls started last Wednesday night in perfect conditions.

As a result, all participating enjoyed a top social night of bowls, with a barbecue to round out the evening.

Winners were Bowl Breakers from Tuckers Construction on a count-back from Matt’s Plumbing.

The meat tray raffle was donated by Robe Foodland and won by Jack Edwards, while Jack Sneath and Matt Austin won the wine and Micks Beef Jerky.

Social bowls Thursday members played two games of 12 ends.

There were four two-game winners, with two teams – Stephen Kennett and Trevor Wagner, plus Rob Lawrie and Maria Cooper – on 57 points sharing the winnings.

Friday’s women’s pennant was played at Robe, with Division 3 having a forfeit from Millicent and Division 2 playing Naracoorte.

Robe 38 shots 0 points were defeated by Naracoorte 50/8.

Robyn Dahler, Judy Phillips, Barbara Brown and Tracey Gray were defeated by Lynette Williams’ team 17-25.

Lorraine Dening, Kerry Pedlar, Helen Dawson and Judith Bermingham were defeated by Chris Murphy’s team 21-25.

Divisions 1 and 2 Open pennant played away, with Division 1 travelling to Mount Gambier RSL and Division 2 to Naracoorte RSL.

In Division 1, Mount Gambier RSL Red 84/12 defeated Robe 57/0.

Pat Lynch, Peter Gregory, Harold Manton and Steve Farrell were defeated by Neil Tobin’s team 28-20.

Errol Jennings, Dean Woodward, Stephen Kennett and Dean Burgoyne were defeated by Michael Fox’s team 26-20.

Josh Waddell, Peter deLaine, Glenn Wright and Peter Roachock were defeated by Chris Waugh’s team 30-17.

Division 2 Naracoorte RSL 87/12 defeated Robe 50/0.

Jim Gray, Paul Truelove, Jo Sykes and Ken Smith were defeated by Ryan O’Shaughnessy’s team 24-20.

Trevor Wagner, Doug Baker, Ross Dening and Deanne Nankivell were defeated by Chris Castine’s team 34-17.

Rob Lawrie, Terry Reidy, Mark Murphy and Adrian Bermingham were defeated by Rohan Burkes team 29-13.