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Liberals short change public libraries

THE State Government has proposed freezing funding for council libraries for $20.7m per year in 2021/22, resulting in a cut of more than $6m...

Liberal candidate seeks leave of absence

NEWLY-MINTED Liberal candidate for Mount Gambier Ben Hood will seek a six month leave of absence from Mount Gambier City to contest the 2022...

Wattle Range issued canvassed with Labor

ROAD condition and maintenance, Lake George, regional ambulance services and council amalgamations were raised by Wattle Range representatives during a lengthy meeting with the...

The hunt goes on

It’s one of Australia’s oldest urban myths: alleged sightings of big cats in the wild, such as jaguars, pumas and cougars, that date back...

Book fair a success

MOUNT Gambier North Primary held a book fair this week, forming part of the school’s 2021 Book Week celebrations. The book fair allows students to...

Millicent North kitchen upgrade complete

MILLICENT North Primary students have given top marks to the school’s state of the art kitchen and canteen renovation project. After Covid-related delays, the...

Cross-party MPs unite on COVID test recognition

A COALITION of independent, Liberal and National Party members have again joined forces to urge the South Australian and Victorian Premiers, Health Ministers and...

Beach writes down $117m from SA Otway

BEACH Energy has slashed the value of its South Australian Otway Basin reserve, with the company writing down $117m in petroleum, as well as...

Big barrels caught off coast

A BREEZY weekend across the Limestone Coast kept all but the big charter boats on dry land, though prior to the weekend we did...

Councillor disputes forestry organisation water claims

A WATTLE Range councillor has questioned claims made by OneFortyOne about the plantation adjoining Lake Leake and its impact on water levels and called...

$120m renewable plant enters next phase

DEVELOPMENT of a new $120m renewable energy plant will enter the next phase as public consultation on the Altus Renewable facility ends today. According to...

Fun Run event cancelled for another year

THE Blue Lake Fun Run has been cancelled for the second consecutive year due to public health concerns during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Recent...

Emerging women in agriculture

FOUR Limestone Coast women will feature in an emerging leaders program. Supported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) the Stepping into Leadership...

Rodeo chute out

Top order battle