Home News Page 258


Call for palliative care services continue

SUPPORT for a palliative care boost in the former Mount Gambier Private Hospital ward continues to swell with a prominent Mount Gambier resident's stance...

City Lions Club helps give gift of vision

AROUND 2800 pairs of used prescription glasses from Mount Gambier be sent to developing countries as part of a Lions Club initiative to help...

Timberlink adds to expansion

TIMBERLINK has announced a $5.3m upgrade to its Tarpeena manufacturing facility, with the installation of a new Light Organic Solvent Preservative timber treatment plant. Timberlink...

Plover count growing

A new report by BirdLife Australia has found that the Limestone Coast's hooded plover population may be increasing. BirdLife Australia Coast and Marine Project Manager...

Negative Covid test for workers

TWO employees at Borg Manufacturing have returned negative Covid test results after being identified as close contacts of a truck driver who was infectious...

Detailed Grant mayoral expenditure to be released

FIRST-TERM Grant District councillor Megan Dukalskis says she is “bolstered and buoyed” after elected members unanimously backed a motion requiring a detailed list of...

Childcare donates to welfare league

COMMUNITY spirit continues to be at the forefront of GoodStart Learning Centre following a pet food drive to donate to the South East Animal...

All-gender bathroom push

A MOUNT Gambier resident is leading a push to install gender-neutral toilets across the Blue Lake city to foster greater inclusiveness for transgender and...

Ambulance staff required immediately: union

THE state’s ambulance union has rejected State Government claims the region is well supported by volunteer paramedics, with a Limestone Coast-based representative estimating less...

Preschoolers help design $1.8m facility

MOORAK’S youngest students will soon see their ideal preschool come to life following the construction of a $1.8m purpose-built facility at the primary school....

Quran exhibition shines light on Islamic Holy Book

MILLICENT residents heard first-hand about Islamic beliefs and practices as part of a tour aimed at forging partnerships and greater understanding of the religion...

Specialised palliative care ward support swells

A MOVEMENT to transform the former Mount Gambier Private Hospital Inc space into a specialised palliative care ward is gaining momentum as a community-led...

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Pumped up for Pride party

A Mount Gambier/ Berrin drag queen is gearing up to host a Pride Dance Party this weekend in celebration of all things Pride Month. Clitzy...