Student experience Opera

THEATRE: Sunrise Christian School students Ivy, Henry, Lachlan and Tempe with The Frog Prince performers Callum, James and Lucy. Picture: Supplied

Sunrise Christian School primary students were enthralled as they saw a presentation from State Opera South Australia, titled ’The Frog Prince’.

The actors performed a number of musical numbers, in fine operatic voice, as they told the story of a young girl who lost her phone, and went on a journey, meeting a variety of creatures along the way, including the eponymous frog.

The themes interwoven through the show were sustainability and the encouragement to reduce, reuse and recycle.

On their way out, students were able to speak with the actors and learn some back-stage secrets.

As a follow up to the performance Middle School students experienced a workshop with young artists from SA State Opera.

For most students this was their first exposure to the opera.

They learnt about the different roles on and off stage as well as some voice warm-ups and the different languages that opera singers need to learn.

Students were amazed by the volume and pitch of the singers as well as the emotion and commitment to the characters portrayed.