Ratepayers show concern

CONCERN: The Mount Gambier and District Residents and Ratepayers Association has revealed it is "deeply concerned" following the City of Mount Gambier endorsing its draft 2024/25 Annual Business Plan and Budget for community consultation. Picture: File

The Mount Gambier and District Residents and Ratepayers Association has revealed it is “deeply concerned” following the City of Mount Gambier endorsing its draft 2024/25 Annual Business Plan and Budget for community consultation.

The draft document proposed a 10.24 per cent rate rise, with community consultation open until June 13.

Association chairperson Di Ind said she was concerned the proposed increases would cause stress.

“We are particularly concerned about the financial stress that this will have on people on fixed or low-incomes, families, pensioners and small business owners who are all doing it very tough in this current cost of living crisis,” she said.

Ms Ind encouraged people to provide feedback directly to council and hoped the document would “receive huge amounts of backlash and negative feedback”.

“We hope our elected members of council understand the level of community concern and re-evaluate their position based on the feedback that will be provided to them,” she said.

“Our community is very concerned with what is being proposed.”

Ahead of a public meeting hosted by council, Ms Ind said the association would host a community meeting on Wednesday, June 12.

She said the association would hear community concerns and collate them for presentation to council.

“Anyone who is interested in attending please rsvp to our email address mgrrassoc@gmail.com and we will advise you of the location,” she said.