Next step for goat, sheep ID

NEXT STEPS: Sheep and goat producers can receive rebates for eID technology like these. Photo: contributed

The vital next steps for South Australia’s implementation of an electronic identification (eID) traceability system for sheep and farmed goats have been released by the State Government.

Mandatory dates for the commencement of eID – scanning to record movement data to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database – have been set to help the supply chain prepare for South Australia’s transition to electronic identification.

Following consultation with the Industry Advisory Committee, processors will need to have scanning in place on January 1 2025, and in saleyards by 1 July 2025.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Clare Scriven, said setting the dates would provide processors and saleyard operators with a clear timeline to ensure they were ready to meet the requirements for eID.

“We have worked closely with the Industry Advisory Committee to ensure that saleyards and processors have the time to assess their needs regarding scanning equipment and installation, as well as site alignment and any changes to business practices,” Ms Scriven said.

“The eID system for sheep and farmed goats is essential for improved traceability, enabling a quick and efficient biosecurity response if a disease such as Foot and Mouth occurs in Australia.

“It would also ensure that recovery from an outbreak would be quicker and the path to regaining overseas market access would be shorter.

“Ensuring we have the best possible traceability system is crucial to protecting our $4.9 billion livestock industry.”

The new system requires sheep and farmed goats born on or after 1 January 2025 to be identified with an NLIS accredited eID device before leaving their property of birth.

The State and Federal Governments are currently rolling out a $12.8 million eID implementation program in South Australia.

To find out more information about eID, as well as an implementation timeline, visit