From client to caseworker

SAFE PLACE: Migrant Resource Centre caseworker Salvana Awsee and manager Amanda Lindh. Picture: Jeff Huddlestone

Jeff Huddlestone

In 2019, Salvana Awsee fled persecution in northern Iraq with her family, for the comparative safety of Australia.

Now four years on Ms Awsee has built a life for herself in Mount Gambier/ Berrin.

“In the beginning, it’s never easy for anyone,” she said.

“We had help and support from the Migrant Resource Centre, other community organisations and friends.”

After using the services of the Mount Gambier Migrant Resource Centre (MRC), Ms Awsee soon began volunteering there and helping other new families find their place in the community.

Six months ago, and somewhat unexpectedly to her, Ms Awsee went from a volunteer at the MRC to working there as a caseworker.

Ms Awsee said said she didn’t really expect the progression from client to caseworker, but her boss was full of praise.

MRC manager Amanda Lindh said Ms Awsee had picked the job up quickly.

“It’s so important to have someone with lived experience working here and being able to communicate with the newcomers,” she said.

Ms Awsee said she particularly enjoyed helping families from her homeland settle into the community.

She said her family chose to settle in Mount Gambier/ Berrin because they thought it would be a good fit for them.

“We chose Mount Gambier, we thought it would be a good place to come and live, learn the language and culture,” she said.

In the Limestone Coast Ms Awsee said she and her family had found a free and safe place to live.

“I can live proudly with my Yazidis community and practise my religion,” she said.

“Freedom is the most important thing to me, it’s lovely.”