Cavaleri returns to Mount Gambier

STORYTELLER: Nathan Cavaleri will perform songs from his new album 'Miracles' and tell his story of the struggles with his mental health in a combined show at the Limestone Coast Pantry this Sunday.

Tyler Redway

MOUNT Gambier/Berrin is getting back into full swing with live music, as Nathan Cavaleri prepares to make his return to the Limestone Coast Pantry this weekend.

The show will be a part of a 26-show regional tour promoting Mr Cavaleri’s latest album ‘Miracles’.

Mr Cavaleri said the tour was the largest he had done in his career.

“This new one (album) comes from the other side of the dark period I went through,” Mr Cavaleri said.

“I’m basically bringing all the songs which came out from the other side of that fog to people in real life via the stage.

“When I was a kid, I had things I wanted to play so I could express myself through the guitar, but now it’s so much deeper than that and more holistic because they’re all my lyrics and songs from my own journey.”

Mr Cavaleri said he had experienced some challenges which he said had created a complicated relationship with touring and had taken him off the road of touring for about four or five years.

“I do focus a little bit on some of my mental health struggles and what I have learnt from them, I talk about it in the middle of the set, and the message is a reminder that no matter what you are going through, you’re not stuck, even if you’re going through some challenging things,” he said.

“I’m having to revisit some of the locations which were a source of a lot of trauma but as a completely different person and it’s a reminder of change and permanence.

“This tour, with it being the biggest I have done in a long time, has enabled me to reconnect with markets across Australia to work out where I belong.”

He said he craved the more regional and remote destinations due to the slower pace compared to the cities and the wide variety of walks of life.

He said Mount Gambier was on the top of his list for regional destinations to revisit due to his previous show and how well the reception was for the town.

Mr Cavaleri said it was “a little overwhelming” as he started to plan the tour but it managed to become easier with each show which went by.

“At the start it was a little overwhelming because I can sometimes struggle trusting if I have the physical and mental capacity to tour again and it’s just because of what I have gone through in the past,” he said.

“Once we were able to get going and experience the gigs themselves, then there is this incredible exhale moment where it’s like coming back home for me.”

“I’m having all these flashbacks of all the amazing experiences I had as a kid touring in a similar way.

“I really love the venue itself because I’m able to really connect with the people with it being a more intimately-sized venue.”

Nathan Cavaleri will perform at the Limestone Coast Pantry on August 6, 2023.