Summer Tour becomes Red Hot

NOT FAR NOW: Mount Gambier Old Gaol owner Jamie Stephenson said the upcoming Red Hot Summer Tour is predicted to sell out within the coming weeks and thanked the continuous support from the community for similar events the venue has hosted. Picture: FILE

Tyler Redway

WITH only weeks until the full return of the Red Hot Summer Tour, time is running out to purchase tickets after sales showed signs of selling out in the near future.

Old Mount Gambier Gaol owner Jamie Stephenson said there had been 2000 presale tickets sold, with a further 1000 sold after ticket sales opened.

He said this had been a common occurrence for all previous tours.

“The Red Hot Summer Tour has been such a well-oiled machine with some of the best rock legends in Australian music history and has only grown each year,” Mr Stephenson said.

“It’s one of those types of events which everyone gets behind because who doesn’t like performers like Bernard Fanning or Paul Kelly?”

After being severely affected by the Covid pandemic, Mr Stephenson said the Old Gaol was now expecting anywhere between 4500 to 5000 people for the day, in stark contrast to the Covid restrictions which only allowed up to five people standing within the same two-metre radius.

“Like any business, family or anyone in that sort of period, we weren’t able to host any music shows for that whole period,” he said.

“It’s only now from late last year where we have been able to bring some large numbers back.

“It’s exciting not just for people like myself but also for people in towns like Mount Gambier who don’t get to see these sorts of artists play in regional areas of Australia.”

Mr Stephenson said he was grateful for the support from the community, which he said made festivals such as the Stone and Dust Festival and the Red Hot Summer Tour possible.

“For me, it’s just exciting to be able to bring something like this to the town and I do believe we have the capability to put on another memorable show,” he said.

“It’s great to have people’s smiling faces around, so this is all for the town to enjoy themselves and for everyone to be proud to be from Mount Gambier where you can see these sorts of artists.”