What made news in March 2022

Clare Scriven was sworn into the cabinet in March.

Hitting headlines in March was fears that a moratorium on fracking could be lifted if Labor were elected.

A leaked recording of then-opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas, obtained by The Border Watch, cast doubts about the future of the fracking moratorium that currently applies in the Limestone Coast if Labor was elected.

Speaking at a South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy function recently in Adelaide, Mr Malinauskas criticised the Liberal Government for restricting mining activities.

It was also announced in Match that Millicent’s South Eastern Times and Penola’s Pennant newspapers will be relaunched as part of The Border Watch stable.

The state went had a change of leadership, and Labor Legislative Council member Clare Scriven was officially sworn into the new State Cabinet, making her the first female Minister from the South East.

Ms Scriven was sworn in as the Minister for Forestry, Regional Development and Primary Industries.