Government getting closer to Cross-Border Commissioner announcement

CROSS-BORDER: Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven. Picture: file

Aidan Curtis

SOUTH Australia is slowly getting closer to having its first Cross-Border Commissioner more than three months after legislation for the position passed the state’s Upper House.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven said the recruitment process for a Commissioner is “progressing“.

“It’s important that we attract someone with the right experience and calibre for the role, and I’m pleased to confirm we have secured the recruitment company to undertake the recruitment process,” Ms Scriven said.

“This will include candidate attraction, application analysis, short listing, reference checking and assisting with panel interviews.”

Ms Scriven said the role will be “crucial” in identifying issues and trying to find solutions for both people and businesses living and working in cross-border communities.

“The role description includes strategic leadership, stakeholder management skills, ability to lead negotiations and a strong understanding of cross-border issues, just to name a few,” she said.

“I am looking forward to a lot of interest coming in the Commissioner role as advertising is rolled out over the coming weeks, via local, state and national channels.

“I expect to be able to announce the successful applicant towards the end of the year.”

Independent Mount Gambier MP Troy Bell said he welcomed the news the recruitment process was progressing after advocating for a Cross-Border Commissioner for six years.

“This is the first of the State Government’s election commitments to be honoured and an important one for our community and wider region,” he said.

“The importance of this role is two-fold; a decrease in red tape and increased productivity for businesses and also, significant improvements for communities living close to a state border.

“Transport, tourism, industry linkages, agriculture, fishing and forestry, pest management and control —there are a whole range of areas where I see a cross-border commissioner playing a critical role.”

Mr Bell said the role should be based in Mount Gambier and he looks forward to working with the new Commissioner when they get appointed.