Mobile service now at Keilira

IN SERVICE: MP Nick McBride, MP David Basham, Telstra public affiars manager Chris Marks and Kingston Mayor Kay Rasheed at the stations opening earlier this week. Photo: Supplied.

KEILIRA has a new 4G base station, connecting the area which was previously a black spot for mobile coverage.

The new station was officially opened on Monday as part of the South Australian Mobile Phone Black Spot Fund designed to help reduce the number of mobile phone black spot locations in regional South Australia, now has 4G coverage for the first time.

The project cost came in just under $900,000 with a majority funded by the State Government and Telstra, with a $50,000 contribution from the Kingston District Council.

Michael Patterson, Acting Regional General Manager for Telstra in SA said government support in the project was essential.

“Without this partnership project, this new coverage may not have been possible,” Mr Patterson said.

“We know this area was devastated by fire in 2019 and we know how important mobile connectivity is during emergencies, so this site will certainly help fill a black spot that previously existed.”

The station will only provide 4G coverage for Telstra customers, but will also provide triple zero connectivity for anyone with range. Previously no coverage had been offered.

“In emergency situations, this could prove a lifesaver,” Mr Petterson said.

“A reliable mobile phone service makes a significant difference for families, individuals and businesses living and working in remote areas. This will improve safety for those in the Keilira area as well as potentially open up new economic opportunities.”

Mr Patterson did warn that while in operation, there could still be some connection kinks to work out.

“While for the next three weeks we will be in the testing and commissioning phase for this site,” he said.

“As with any new construction there can be problems, and Telstra are sorting out a few issues with the southern facing antenna, as coverage isn’t currently as good as it will be. However, our techs are working on a solution and residents south of the tower should notice a big improvement by early March.”

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development David Basham said the station would help the region.

“The Limestone Coast community has long been calling for a black spot solution and we are excited to be able to deliver this in partnership with Telstra and the Kingston District Council,” Mr Basham said.

Member for MacKillop Nick McBride said the local community would warmly welcome the new mobile phone tower.

“For far too long the people have Keilira have had their calls for improved mobile coverage ignored,” Mr McBride said.

“A reliable mobile phone service makes a significant difference for people living and working in remote areas. This will improve safety for those in the Keilira area as well as open up new business opportunities.”

A further three stations will be installed at Glenburnie, Back Valley and Roseworthy to help cover further black sports in the region, with the Glenburnie station to be in operation by the end of April.