South East reaches vaccination milestone

VACCINATION RATES INCREASE: Jack Wu and Helen Smith celebrate high vaccination rates at the Mount Gambier clinic.

Charlotte Varcoe

COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to climb throughout the region with more than 95 per cent of residents in Mount Gambier and Grant District councils receiving their first dose.

Those aged 15 and over are eligible for the vaccine with the two local government areas recording 66.1 per cent fully vaccinated – equating to more than 21,000 residents.

The Wattle Range Council area has recorded 58.8 per cent fully vaccination with Naracoorte and Lucindale ahead at 69.6 per cent.

The results follow a weekend vaccination blitz with pop-up clinics available at Tarpeena, the Bellum Hotel, Penola and walk-in vaccinations allowed at the Mount Gambier vaccination clinic.

Across the weekend, Tarpeena recorded 36 appointments while the Bellum Hotel received 30 and Penola 45.

The Mount Gambier clinic recorded 265 walk-in appointments across the weekend and chief executive officer of the Limestone Coast Local Health Network Ngaire Buchannan congratulated the broader community.

“It is so pleasing to see more than 80 per cent of people in the Limestone Coast aged 15 and over having received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine,” said Ms Buchannan

“We had a great turn-out for the ‘super walk-in weekend’ and I want everyone in the Limestone Coast to roll up to get vaccinated as soon as they can to protect themselves, their loved ones and our community.”

Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin also offered her congratulations to the community, stating the current upwards trend of vaccination rates was a positive sign.

“Given the high dose of first vaccinations recorded for Mount Gambier, it will not take long for us to reach a significant double vaccination rate,” Ms Martin said.

“It is absolutely fantastic and noting the figures are with Grant District included gives us accurate information on our two local government areas.

“I encourage everyone to consider being vaccinated in order to protect themselves and loved ones and I congratulate our community for getting the vaccination, we should be proud of ourselves.”