Yahl Primary School 150th anniversary

Matilda Sykes takes part in lessons during Yahl Primary School’s Old School Days week.

YAHL Primary School has been celebrating its 150th birthday this year with different events each term.

Last week, students dressed up as if they were living in the 1800s and spent time at Yahl Hall learning about how their life differed from those raised in the bygone era.

School principal Chris Morrison said students enjoyed celebrating their school’s history this year.

“Every term we have done something different and the students have loved it,” she said.

“The Old School Days event has been a highlight for all of us here at Yahl Primary School though.

“We have had food and games from the 1800s in addition to classes in cursive handwriting, arithmetic and readings from old books.”

Every student, teacher and helper during the event dressed up for the occasion, with children even arriving to school by horse and buggy.