Millicent book lovers still able to pick up good read

Carmel Kristie  TBW Newsgroup
BORROWING CONTINUES: Millicent Public Library staff Carmel Tomlinson and Kristie Rowe examine the latest titles. Picture: J.L. "FRED" SMITH

Carmel Kristie TBW Newsgroup
BORROWING CONTINUES: Millicent Public Library staff Carmel Tomlinson and Kristie Rowe examine the latest titles. Picture: J.L. “FRED” SMITH

BORROWINGS are still possible from Millicent Public Library although physical access to the building has been restricted.

The doors were closed to the public at 5.30pm yesterday as one of a number of measures taken by Wattle Range Council due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The council-initiated closure preceded a direction by Prime Minister Scott Morrison to close all non-essential local government facilities.

Library manager Janice Nitschke said staff would continue to be on the premises during regular library hours from Tuesday-to-Saturday.

“It is all about maintaining a sustainable library service,” Ms Nitschke said.

“You can still borrow books by phoning us with your requests or making contact via digital means.

“You can also come to the front door and speak to us via the intercom.

“We will bring your requests out to you.

“As before, holds will be available as well as e-books.

“The staff will continue to expand the collection by purchasing new books.”