THE second year of the Limestone Coast Leadership Program launched recently with a two-day retreat in Robe.
The community capacity-building program – backed by the Limestone Coast Local Government Association – has attracted 17 participants this year, with Robe District Council hosting the first session of the eight-month course.
Designed specifically for the Limestone Coast, the program focuses on leadership capacity and developing networks of skilled and motivated people who support each other to take on roles and projects to benefit the region’s community and economy.
“Regional delivery of this high-quality program by The Leaders Institute of SA, overcomes barriers that similar city-based programs present in terms of costs for travel and accommodation and time away from work,” program coordinator Ali Auld said.
“We are fortunate to have the chief executives from each of the seven council areas provide participants regional context, with an insight into the unique (and common) issues, opportunities and challenges occurring across the Limestone Coast.”
Participants will work together on several community action projects that address real issues in the region.
“Sustainable, ongoing leadership programs in other states, have been shown to produce wide ranging social benefits including active citizenship, increased capacity, shared purpose and supporting participants to be catalysis for community action,” Ms Auld said.
“Without the support of organisations and businesses within the Limestone Coast, a program like this could not be offered.
“We are very lucky and grateful to have such community minded regional businesses, industries, organisations and council leaders who recognise the value in a program such as this and provide scholarships to ensure that financial barriers do not impact on emerging leaders being able to undertake the program.”