THERE was a complete clearance of the 113 bulls and heifers which recently went under the hammer at the annual Woonallee Simmental cattle sale at Furner.
Stud managers Tom and Lizzy Baker welcomed a gathering of around 250 to their property,
Agents from Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions called the bids from the gallery as well as online participants.
Among the 100 registered bidders was the Sanson family of Gold Creek Simmentals, Gisborne, New Zealand.
They paid a sale-high price of $50,000 for a 944kg polled bull called Woonallee Phar Lap.
The 23-month-old bull was the first to go under the hammer.
The Sansons also bought the $30,000 top price bull at Woonallee’s 2019 sale.
As well as crossing the Tasman Sea, there were buyers from all states at Woonallee Simmentals’ 13th annual Elite Production Bull sale.
The 90 black and traditional Simmentals and SimAngus bulls offered by the Bakers sold for a $8361 average.
An increase of $1259 on the previous year when 98 of 100 bulls changed hands.
All 23 young Simmental heifers sold for a $5000 average with the $9500 sale-high appearing at lot 111.
The black heifer, Woonallee Ready to Tango Q91, was sold to Dallas Kropp, Dallas Ranch, Toowoomba, Queensland.
He bid online through Elite Livestock Auctions.
Mr Kropp paid a $30,000 national Black Simmental female record in 2019 for Woonallee Heaven Sent P4.
Another sale highlight was lot 77 which was the first of the SimAngus bulls in the run.
The Bakers donated the proceeds from the sale to The Naked Farmer which is an initiative raising awareness of rural mental health.
McCarthy Livestock, of Lucindale, purchased the charity bull, Woonallee Bounty Hunter P33, for $8500 and made four other purchases.
Among the onlookers were Millicent couple Max and Dot Blacketer and four of their Adelaide-based family including son Stephen and his children Charlotte, Henry and Amelia.
At the age of 82, Mr Blacketer is a mechanic who goes on-site to service and repair the vehicles operated by the Bakers.