Blooming orchids in all shapes, colours and sizes were an eye-catcher through this year’s Mount Gambier Spring Show horticulture division.
As an orchid judge at this year’s event, Mount Gambier resident Robert Wood said the key to a flowering plant was to re-pot every two to three years.
Mr Wood was one of three green thumbs who got their hands dirty Friday and Saturday demonstrating how to correctly re-pot to the public.
Mr Wood said majority of people did not realise how important it was to re-pot orchids.
“When demonstrating re-potting I am able to show people everything they may be experiencing at home,” he said.
“I have just re-potted an orchid which was in the same pot for 11 years which is probably exactly what people have in their backyard.
“It shows people it is possible to resurrect them, get them up and running again and eventually have them flowering.”
Mr Wood said he enjoyed his involvement with the show, adding it was well worth his effort.
“We are able to show people how to re-pot their plants and in return they are able to watch their orchids flower which is exciting for them,” he said.
“We receive quite a lot of interest just showing people how, when and why to re-pot.”
Having been associated with the Mount Gambier and District Orchid Society for over a decade and the Millicent Orchid Society for over two decades, Mr Wood said he had quite the experience with handling orchids.
“I have been growing orchids for over 50 years, so I have learnt a bit about them over time,” he said.
“My mum used to grow orchids but only the one type.
“She loved them and it got to the stage where she could not longer re-pot so we began to do it for her and it just grew from there.”
With around a dozen orchids on display at the show, Mr Wood said he would often add his orchids once show judging was complete.
“I am able to add some after judging to fill spaces and make a great displays,” Mr Wood said.
“We had around 11 competition entries and six fillers all together which gave people an idea on the different orchids out there, people may not realise.
“We also have information sheets which explain the watering, feeding, sunlight and what ideal conditions are for growing an orchid.”
Mr Wood said he enjoyed gardening and watching his plants flower.
“In fact, I would like to spend more time at home looking after my plants so they flower better,” he said.
“We now have a dozen or more types of orchids growing at home.
“I like orchids because of the challenge they bring when growing them and growing them better than somebody else.”
For more information regarding the Mount Gambier and District Orchid Society or the Millicent Orchid Society contact Mr Wood on 0417 043 652.