FEDERAL Health Minister Greg Hunt will soon visit Mount Gambier to hear about the region’s health priorities, including support for drug and alcohol rehabilitation first-hand.
Member for Barker Tony Pasin will host Mr Hunt at a community health forum at the Dress Circle, Main Complex on February 27.
Mr Pasin said stronger health care was a “priority for our government”, but acknowledged there was “more work to do” in the Limestone Coast.
“I know alcohol and other drug abuse is an issue for the Limestone Coast and it is something I have been speaking about to the Minister for a long time,” he said.
“My advocacy has seen Mount Gambier receive funding for one of the first Local Drug Action Teams in the country, the Good Sports Program rollout across the region and Focus One set up a dedicated office in Mount Gambier.
“These initiatives are small but very important parts of a larger drug action strategy.”
Mr Pasin said “good economic management” had brought the Federal Budget into a position and enabled the Federal Government to invest in health programs.
“Immunisations are at the highest rate on record, we have listed over 1900 medicines worth almost $10b on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,” he said.
“We are doubling public hospital funding compared to Labor, increasing funding from $13.3b in 2012-13 to $23.4b in 2020-21, which is a 76% increase.
“More Australians are now seeing their doctor without having to pay and we have invested over $175m in MRI licences – one of which I delivered for Mount Gambier.”
Mr Pasin encouraged members of the community to attend the evening event and discuss health priorities for the Limestone Coast.
The event will run from 5.30pm to 7pm.
Contact tony.pasin@aph.gov.au or 8724 7730 for further information or to RSVP.