ST MARY’S Vineyard will host its Gardens For Our Climate and Soils open garden event over October 13 and 14.
The event will feature speakers from the Mediterranean Garden Society along with specialist nurseries, garden art, food and wine.
The St Mary’s garden started off small over 80 years ago but has now flourished into a vast landscape of varying plants and flora.
Although the garden had thrived for many years, a storm in November 2017 saw years of work destroyed.
Barry, Glenys and Deb Mulligan then had to start the rebuilding and replanting process that had taken decades to perfect.
“A garden is never finished, but the kind of destruction we experienced due to that storm was completely devastating,” Barry said.
“We had a huge task ahead of us to rebuild what had taken so long to get to the space it was.”
As part of the Mediterranean Garden Society, Glenys decided the garden would benefit from a similar style of plants instead of the previous English style.
“As this garden was obviously established a long time ago, our climate just did not suit it anymore,” Glenys said.
“The decision was then made that we would plant things more cohesive with our climate which actually is one of the Mediterranean regions of the world.”
After almost a year of hard work, the garden is now ready to be seen with the Mulligans deciding to host an Open Gardens Australia event.
“It’s not exactly perfect and every garden should always be seen as a work in progress, but I think we’re ready to show the world,” Barry said.
“We’re still doing a little bit of work before the opening on October 13, but we’re definitely excited to see the public’s reaction.”
The garden will be open on October 13 and 14 from 10am.
Half of the $8 entry fee will support the Terrarossa Country Women’s Association and the other 50pc will benefit up-and-coming gardeners through Open Gardens Australia.