Opposition leader to visit Mount Gambier electorate

SOUTH East residents will have the opportunity to share the issues concerning the community in coming months with a visit from State Opposition leader Peter Malinauskas.

“I just want to listen” are the words of Mr Malinauskas who will soon visit Mount Gambier as part of his party’s new Labor Listening Program.

Mr Malinauskas pledged to visit all 47 House of Assembly seats to hear from South Australians about their issues and priorities.

Over the coming months, Mr Malinauskas and the Labor team will hold events in various formats, including shopping centre visits, street corner meetings, community forums and politics in the pub events.

“The reality is Labor lost the election and that means there are lessons to be learnt,” Mr Malinauskas said.

“This exercise is not about telling people what’s good for them or what is or is not possible.

“I just want to listen.

“I want to hear from people of all different backgrounds – in safe seats and marginal seats, in the suburbs and the regions, lifelong Labor voters and those who have never voted for us before.

“Nobody wants to be in opposition, but opposition does present Labor with an opportunity to reach out to the community, listen to them and formulate our policy priorities heading into the 2022 election.”

The first event will be held in Adelaide this weekend, with the schedule for regional visits – including the South East – currently being finalised.