EMOTIONS will be at a high tonight as the OG Roberts and Co team joins in the fight against leukaemia by taking part in the 20th anniversary of the iconic World’s Greatest Shave campaign.
Braving the shave, Eboni Smith, Joanne Gillespie, Simon Phillps, Daryl Watson and Bryce Roberts will say goodbye to their locks as they raise awareness and funds for those going through the challenging cancer journey.
With family members who have been personally affected by cancer, Mr Roberts said it was a cause close to his heart and one he is proud to get behind with his fellow team members.
“For me, participating in the World’s Greatest Shave is a way to pay tribute to the friends and family I have lost to this awful disease, whilst raising funds to support those who are going through the toughest times of their lives,” he said.
Having a personal connection with the disease, Ms Smith said although nervous, she was excited to share in the moment with fellow staff and help to create change.
“The main reason I am doing this is because my grandfather has been battling with leukaemia for the past 10 years,” she said.
“My other grandfather has prostate cancer, so it is really for both of them.”
Using her hair as a security blanket, the courageous woman said it was nerve wracking to think it will soon be gone.
“It has really hit home for me that people that lose their hair through cancer do not have that security blanket, they have no choice,” she said.
“It makes me nervous to think about the shave, but I am also proud to be supporting those who do have cancer.”
Undertaking fundraising activities such as company casual day and a lucky square lottery in the lead up to the main shave, the group has already reached its initial $5000 goal with an aim now to reach $7500 by the end of the event tonight.
With a monster raffle with over $3500 of prizes up for grabs, a lucky door prize, pay-to-play activities, a sausage sizzle and a jumping castle for the kids, Paul Ferguson – who will fundraise in a different way tonight – said he was looking forward to a fun night.
Already sporting a bald head, Mr Ferguson will instead wear a wig and fake moustache throughout the day and dye his eyebrows black and have a zig-zag pattern shaved into them for a promised $500 donation.
“The community has been incredibly generous and supportive and I am glad I get to be a part of it all,” he said.
Money raised will help give families facing blood cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, free emotional and practical support, as well as help fund vital research.
For the first time, the World’s Greatest Shave is also “going green” thanks to a partnership with Sustainable Salons Australia.
This means ponytails snipped from those taking part will now be turned into wigs for cancer patients, shorter hair clippings will be transformed into compost and floating booms to absorb oil spills at sea and empty cans of coloured hairspray will be diverted away from landfill back into recycled resources.
The event will take place at OGR Holden from 5.30pm to 7pm.
Visit tinyurl.com/OGRShave to help the OGR team reach their goal.