A SIGNIFICANT presence of holidaymakers swelled the number of attendees to 600 at the annual Australia Day breakfast at Beachport’s Centennial Park.
As they have done for more than 20 years, members of the Lions Club of Beachport and Rivoli Bay served up a hot and hearty breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, toast, tomatoes, sausages and baked beans.
Local Lions Club member Bob Grieve was the master of ceremonies for the formal part of the function which included the ceremonial raising of the Australian flag.
This duty was undertaken by 2017 Australia Day Citizen of the Year and dedicated Beachport community worker Julie Moran.
Mr Grieve said Australia was a land of opportunity.
“Australia Day is a time when we can reflect on what we have and what we have achieved,” Mr Grieve said.
The national anthem was sung with gusto with musical accompaniment provided by the Beachport Ukulele Group and the annual Australia Day citizenship award was officially presented by ward councillors Peter Dunnicliff and Kevin McGrath.
Cr Dunnicliff said he often heard compliments about the cleanliness and infrastructure of Beachport.
He said it was due to the pride shown in their town by Beachport residents.
Cr McGrath explained why the 2018 Australia Day Citizen of the Year for Kintore Ward was being presented to Beachport resident Mike Coonan.
He said the award was recognition for Mr Coonan’s dedication to the Beachport District Development Association and the Lions Club of Beachport and Rivoli Bay.
“The do-gooders want to move the date of Australia Day to July,” Cr McGrath said.
“If that happens, we will hold this function in the Beachport phone-box.”
Mr Coonan used his acceptance speech to thank his friends and family.
“It is truly incredible to be here,” Mr Coonan said.
“Volunteering is a humble way to contribute to the community.
“The Lions Club raises about $50,000 for the community each year.
“It is rewarding and satisfying to be a part of this community.”
Beachport and Rivoli Bay Lions Club catering manager Ian Lister thanked his members and their partners for providing the breakfast.
He said over 30 helpers were involved in the catering and staging of the function.
“We do not charge for the breakfast but the public are very generous with their donations,” Mr Lister said.
“The Lions Club receives a grant from Wattle Range Council each year and thus we break even.”
Community breakfasts in the Wattle Range Council area were also staged last Friday morning at Penola, Millicent and Kalangadoo while an informal barbecue was held later in the day at Tantanoola.