MAYOR Andrew Lee has declared he will stand for re-election and hopes to represent the city as its civic leader for a second term.
“I think most people who nominate for roles in political office intend to hold office for at least two terms,” Mr Lee told The Border Watch.
“That’s an appropriate amount of time to implement change and tick things off the wish list and accomplish the things you set out to accomplish when you were elected.
“Since I was elected I have always hoped to remain in the position for two terms – obviously that’s not up to me and will depend on the people of our community.”
His comments follow the release of a state ombudsman report clearing him of any wrongdoing in relation to his business dealings as part owner of Rymill Coonawarra.
Allegations surfaced last January that Mr Lee had used a ratepayer-funded business trip to China to conduct his own business negotiations.
It was alleged Mr Lee met with Gang Ye, a Chinese businessman who later became his partner in the purchase of Rymill Coonawarra, during a State Government funded Shandong Business Mission in April 2016.
It was also alleged he had used his mayoral position to gain personal benefit by acquiring shares in the winery.
While the ombudsman conceded Mr Lee had “walked a very fine ethical line” he found no evidence of misconduct.
“Although Mayor Lee did send two emails from his mayoral account and inappropriately used his business card in his dealings with Mr Rymill and Mr Ye, these mistakes are not serious enough for a finding of misconduct,” the ombudsman said.
“It is not difficult to see why some in Australia have concluded that Mayor Lee’s business dealings in the winery sale were suspicious.
“He has admitted his error of judgement and stated his regret for his actions – I note he took action at the time to remedy the mistake with the use of his mayoral email account.”
The ombudsman finished that in future Mr Lee “should examine and clarify” any actions that “may give rise to a perception he is using his elected office for personal gain”.