MILLICENT Country Fire Service Brigade volunteer firefighter Rob Gommers has recently been named Millicent firefighter of the year.
Local CFS brigade captain Phil Richards said Mr Gommers was chosen due to his high level of dedication, commitment and willingness to organise events.
Mr Gommers said he had enjoyed his association with the local brigade.
“It is wonderful to be a part of it,” he said.
In addition to Mr Gommers, a long service medal was presented to Scott Richards to denote 10 years with the organisation.
The National Medal was given to Chris Mathias, who clocked up 15 years of voluntary service in South Australia and his native Tasmania.
Among the VIPs in attendance were Wattle Range CFS group officer Fred Stent and CFS South East regional commander John Probert.
Mr Stent said the Wattle Range CFS group was pleased with the support received from the Millicent brigade.
“Without you, we do not exist,” Mr Stent said.
“We have been able to undertake more training at brigade level in 2017 and this has reduced travel to places like Naracoorte.”
Mr Probert said he appreciated the opportunity to attend the function and he congratulated the medal and award recipients.
“It is great to be able to be among the heart of the CFS,” Mr Probert said.
“You are the people who put the wet stuff on the hot stuff.”
Mr Richards said the function was an appropriate time to reflect on the service of the CFS to the community by the 35 members of the Millicent brigade.
He said acknowledgement should be made of those who served the CFS as well as the support of their families.