REALTOR Craig Marsh and prominent Mingbool grazier Tony Beck have lodged nominations for Liberal Party preselection for the seat of Mount Gambier, according to party insiders yesterday.
While a third contender has lodged a candidate form, the person’s identity could not be confirmed by The Border Watch.
Both Mr Beck and Mr Marsh declined to comment yesterday when contacted.
It is understood the candidates have been directed not to speak to media during the process.
The names of nominees for preselection remain confidential until they have passed through the party’s candidate review process, which is expected to get under way next week.
The preselection is expected to be held in October at a date and location yet to be determined.
The preselection battle has been sparked by the shock resignation of Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell from the Liberal Party ranks.
Mr Bell is fighting a string of theft charges through the courts relating to his previous employment at the Independent Learning Centre, but remains the region’s parliamentary representative as an independent.

Liberal Party state director Sascha Meldrum said a college of Liberal party members would meet to select a candidate on merit through a secret ballot of Liberal members living in the electorate.
“It has been fantastic to see such a high calibre of people nominating for preselection to represent the Liberal Party at the next state election,” Ms Meldrum told The Border Watch yesterday.
“The party is calling for hard-working candidates committed to representing their local communities as part of a newly elected Liberal State Government that will provide responsible leadership and deliver a clear pathway for the state’s recovery and success.”
The Labor Party and Nick Xenophon Team are yet to announce candidates for the Mount Gambier electorate.
Mr Bell has yet to rule out running as an independent in the state election.