Films screened in city as part of widespread tour

Talie  TBW Newsgroup

Talie TBW Newsgroup
FILM FESTIVAL WONDER: Main Corner coordinator Tahlie Teakle enjoys the view at the complex’s Dressing Circle as she watches Wide Angle’s Film Festival.

MOUNT Gambier’s Main Corner will host a public screening of the Wide Angle Film Festival next Wednesday as part of its 29-week Australian tour.

The festival showcases films which reflect the experience of people living with disabilities, with South East youths among the first to view the international works during a special screening yesterday.

Main Corner coordinator Talie Teakle said the festival roadshow arrived at the right time.

“It fit in well with our current exhibitions because they are all about transformation and
movement,” Ms Teakle said.

“Yesterday we also ran a children’s program which showed a handful of films made by children with disabilities who worked alongside filmmakers.

“Part of those will be in the public viewing as well, but it was more of an extended version.”

The films are crafted from a wide range of mediums including stop motion, cartoon and live action.

All films feature closed captions to remain inclusive to all.

“They open the public’s eyes a little bit about living with disabilities, especially for children to understand that life can be a bit different for those living with disabilities,” Ms Teakle said.

“But it also allows them to be involved with the creativity.

“It also tied in nicely with school holiday programs which are running around Mount Gambier this week, with the kids participating in some of those before and after yesterday’s event.”

Wednesday’s free public screening will start at 6.30pm and features six award-winning films from Australia, Finland, Italy and Canada.