Turning the corner

PRODUCTIVE SESSION: Jesse Davies with a nice mulloway.

ANOTHER weekend of wild weather kept the majority of anglers tucked up at home, but looking forward, it seems like we are turning a corner and might see some decent weather.

The news from the offshore guys has been a bit light on this week, but the forecast for the next week has anglers preparing.

Light winds and calm seas should see plenty of boaties back out on the water and hopefully into some fish.

The tuna news has been quiet thanks largely to the weather, but those in the know seem to think the fish are still there – we just might have to cover a bit of ground to find them.

The surf fishos had a rough time with the conditions over the weekend, but it did not stop a handful of keen guys from trying.

The salmon fishing at Carpenter Rocks through to Nene Valley has been fairly consistent again this week, with some nice fish to 1.5kg coming from both areas.

Bait and lure fishos have been in to them, so whatever style of fishing you prefer, you will find fish.

There were a few guys who fished the Coorong over the weekend and some nice fish were caught.

Jesse Davies and Joe Dunwell fished late last week and managed nine gummy shark, four mulloway and a stack of salmon over a couple of evenings.

Garfish have been in pretty good numbers again this week, with most of our usual hot spots fishing quite well.

Hutt Bay and Cape Douglas have been the most frequented, largely because of the protection offered in those areas.

The fish numbers and size have been good, so here’s hoping they stick around.

A few anglers have had a crack at the squid in Livingstons Bay and when the weather has allowed, there has been some nice fish caught.

Natural colour jigs have been popular so far, so keep a few in the tackle box.

A few kayakers have made the most of the poor weather offshore and headed inland in search of winter redfin.

Lake Edward just around the back of Glencoe is a productive spot through the warmer months, but often gets forgotten about in winter.

There are some nice fish being caught out that way, some well over the 40cm mark and although they might not fight like a spirited warm water fish, they are still excellent on the plate.

The Glenelg River copped another drink of dirty water over the last couple of days which in turn has slowed the fishing down, almost to a dead stop.

The water should pass pretty quickly, but prior to the rains, I did hear of some more nice bream for the bait fishos in the Donovans area and some encouraging signs of fish on the sounders.

Hopefully we see the river get back to its best very soon.

The week ahead looks fabulous, plenty of sunshine and light winds mixed with the calm seas is just what the doctor ordered and just in time for the SA Rock Lobster fleet to kick off their 2021/2022 season.

We wish a safe and productive year to all those crews for the new season.

Until next week, safe fishing.