Library future in your hands

LOOKING FORWARD: Manager library and community development Georgina Davison is encouraging people to have their say on the draft Mount Gambier Library Strategy. Picture: Supplied

The City of Mount Gambier has created a Mount Gambier Library Strategy and is encouraging the community to have their say on the services future.

The strategy is a blueprint to guide the library’s services and development until 2027.

Manager library and community development Georgina Davison said she knew the library was a popular local service and she wanted to make sure the plan reflected that.

“The library received more than 187,000 visitors this past financial year and delivered 799 programs,” she said.

“There were almost 250,000 loans, and almost 12,000 active members, so we know that our service is well loved throughout the community.

“That is why your insights and perspectives are crucial to ensure that this plan truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.”

Ms Davison said there were four key priorities in the strategy, compiled following initial consultation with community and stakeholders.

“The priorities include reimagining places to deliver a vibrant library precinct, connecting with our community to provide meaningful support and services, bringing quality of life to our community through library experiences and strengthening the team to deliver innovation,” she said.

“When reviewing the strategy, I encourage you to consider the following areas: relevance to diverse needs, inclusivity and considerations for diverse demographics, approach to technology and innovation, collaboration and partnerships, accessibility, both physical and digital and mechanisms for ongoing community feedback.”

The draft Library Strategy can be found on the Have Your Say Mount Gambier website and your thoughts can be provided via email to or in person, by completing a customer feedback form at the library.

Feedback must be received by Friday, December 22.