Farewell to shorebirds event wraps up

MIGRATION: Our Coorong | Our Coast project officer Robbie Andrew, pictured far right, led the recent Farewell to Shorebirds event at Fox Lake, which saw an impressive turnout of locals, tourists and bird enthusiasts. Pictures: SUPPLIED

An interactive guided tour of Fox Lake at Robe has paid homage to the Limestone Coast departing migratory shorebirds for another year.

Many species of shorebird spend the end of Summer and Autumn fattening up to fly 12,000 kilometres to the other side of the world non-stop for nine days.

The ability to care for their habitat, which provides food and safe havens for nesting and raising young, ensures their survival.

We are important custodians whilst the birds are with us, and awaiting their return.

Accompanied by Our Coorong | Our Coast project officer Robbie Andrew and First Nations Elder Uncle Doug Nicholls, locals, tourists and bird enthusiasts celebrated the joy of the birds.

Participants learnt some bird facts and distinguishing features, discovered macrofauna food in the outlet and painted their very own bird to add to the Limestone Coast Flock.