Tourists terrorised

Campers were waiting an hour for the police to arrive at the campsite. Picture: File.

Elsie Adamo

A tourist has been left feeling “terrified” after her one-night experience camping at Carpenter Rocks

In the early hours of Sunday morning, a group of five to six caravans and their occupants were terrorised by a group of unknown individuals, who drove erratically around the campsite and threatened campers.

Elizabeth, whose last name has been withheld, and her husband live in the Yarra Valley and were travelling through the state with friends. On Saturday they looked up free campsites near Port MacDonnell, settling on the Admella Reserve campground at Carpenter Rocks.

At 2.30am the following morning, Elizabeth said she was woken up by shouting and bright lights. When she looked out at what was going on, she saw four individuals in a grey Toyota ute.

“They proceeded to circle us and do burnouts around us,” Elizabeth said.

“Then they poked their heads out the window and said, ‘come and talk to us, come and fight’.

Elizabeth said she had never heard such foul language in her life.

“They were saying things like ‘come and fight you gutless c****’,” she said.

“Then they said ‘we are going to slit your throats and f*** your wives, and then we are going to w*** all over your dead bodies’.

“They then told us they would be back every half hour, and they were.

“We were petrified. I thought I was going to die. I have never been so terrified in my whole life.”

The couple quickly contacted the police to help.

“My husband managed to get a photograph of the number plate and we called the police,” Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth claimed she was told there would be an hour-long wait before police could attend, as they needed to travel from Port MacDonnell. She estimated the vehicle came and left five times before the police arrived.

She claimed that once they attended, police said nothing could be done as Elizabeth and her fellow travellers were not able to get a clear look at the drivers or passengers.

“They [the policeman] said ‘there was nothing we can do unless they came at you with a knife’ or something similar.”

Despite being given a driver’s plate number, a SAPOL representative said police have been unable to determine the individuals involved or find the vehicle.

“About 3.30 am on Sunday, July 10, police were called to Carpenter Rocks camping area after reports of a car being driven erratically through the grounds,” a spokesperson said.

“On arrival police spoke with witnesses and searched the area however were unable to locate the car or occupants.

“Anyone with information that may assist is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”

The experience has left Elizabeth rattled, vowing never to visit Carpenter Rocks again.

“I would never, ever, go anywhere near that town again in my life,” she said.

“We have travelled quite a lot, and something like this has never happened to us before.

“I will tell everyone I know, not to go near that town.”

Elizabeth had found the site on WikiCamps, a website with information on campgrounds all across the country. Previous reviews of the campground on the website had been positive, but that changed after Saturday night.

“Woken at 2am to four local hoons doing donuts around our camp, lights on high, threatening to kill us and our kids, for 2 hrs. Terrifying night. DONT [sic] go there!!!!” One review said.

“Hoons terrorised six groups of campers in the small hours. Police came after 60 or so minutes. We certainly won’t be back,” another reviewer stated.

Grant District Council chief executive Darryl Whicker said the incident was deeply concerning, but not indicative of most tourists’ experiences.

“This is the first time since I have been at Council I have heard anything of that nature, and it is deeply saddening that it has occurred,” Mr Whicker said.

“It is certainly not behaviour standard with Carpenter Rocks or our other coastal locations.”

Mr Whicker hopes the incident does not dissuade others from visiting the region.

“Hundreds of people each year visit that location and others in the region and have had a number of good experiences,” Mr Whicker.

“The Carpenter Rocks community is a good community and was one of the drivers of our extension of the free camping opportunities within the district.”