Better together thanks to volunteers

Hon Clare Scriven MLC

Each year we have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the volunteers who help bring people together, build community and create a better society for us all.

I want to acknowledge the amazing contributions made by volunteers across our local area as we approach National Volunteer Week.

It’s a week to celebrate our volunteers, and volunteers and reflect on how many important roles they take on in our local community.

This year’s theme is ‘Better Together’ and I think that really sums up many people’s thoughts given the challenges we have all faced through Covid-19.

Individuals and community groups have worked together to assist people in any way that is needed.

I was reminded again of this recently when I visited Foodbank’s main warehouse in Adelaide.

The generosity of their volunteers helps get food to over 135,000 people a month and last year, over 90,000 hours were donated by volunteers to Foodbank SA.

This is reflected, of course, in our local Foodbank too and the incredible work they do locally.

There are so many opportunities to make our region an even more supportive and inclusive place, whether it’s volunteering through sports, arts, schools, the library, churches, CFS, SES, at a local aged care facility, at the hospital or many more.

And getting involved with our local community and giving back is so rewarding and worthwhile.

As a parliamentary representative from the South East, and the newly appointed Minister for Regional Development, I am so proud to see the work of so many local volunteers across our region.

To all volunteers past and present – thank you for the vital role you play each day and for making our communities stronger.

Clare Scriven