TUESDAY’S edition of The Border Watch will mark a major milestone for South Australia’s oldest and largest regional newspaper with the launch of a fresh layout.
In The Border Watch’s new design, we have adopted a modern look to make our multi-award winning newspaper even easier to read and navigate with a contemporary layout.
Editor Brett Kennedy said the change reaffirms The Border Watch Newsgroup’s commitment to delivering the news that matters to the region in a visually appealing format.
“Thanks to our team of dedicated staff across the entire organisation, The Border Watch remains at the forefront of the newspaper sector in terms of overall quality,” he said.
“While the newspaper will have a new look, there will be no change in our commitment to being a trusted news source to the thousands of daily readers across the Limestone Coast, western Victoria and beyond.”
One of the most significant changes is our Have your say section, with more space dedicated to social media comments.
General manager Dennis Jackson said the shift demonstrated the organisation’s dedication to moving with and embracing the digital world.
“The previous comment section was dedicated to columnists and letters to the editor but now we are a multimedia organisation, we think we need to draw on our platforms to provide a voice to a broader cross-section of our community,” he said.
“The new design is modern and a reflection of the times we live in.
“We want to provide more value for our readers and our community because ultimately, we are here for you.”
In the past year, we have been committed to improvements in the way we deliver your news and we think this redesign will provide greater space for better display of stories and photographs.
Our masthead, which sits at the top of each front page, will remain the same, as will the dedication of our entire newsroom.
The Border Watch has been telling the stories of the region for more than 150 years and we think with this change, we have never looked younger.