THE lives of Glenelg Shire’s youngest residents have been improved thanks to the generosity of a local community organisation.
Receiving significant funds from a local group in the region, children at Kathleen Millikan Centre (KMC) will have their learning further enhanced.
The Casterton Lions Club has gifted $500 to integrated early learning facility to provide assistance for resources and play equipment.
KMC senior educator Toni Jackson said the support from the community group was overwhelming.
“It is just fantastic to be able to welcome the Casterton Lions Club to the centre to show them the items that we purchased thanks to their fundraising efforts,” she said.
“As a result of their generous donation, the centre was able to purchase a mud kitchen and picnic table for the children, both of which have been extremely well utilised.
“The Lions club was incredibly proud to be able to see the smile on the children’s faces when they were using the new equipment.”
Most importantly, Ms Jackson said the donation reaffirmed the significance of early childhood education in the wider community.
“As a centre we are incredibly lucky to have the support from local organisations such as the Casterton Lions Club,” she said.
“Their assistance helps to ensure our youngest and brightest have the greatest future ahead of them possible.
“The value of having quality resources and play equipment for our children to use on a daily basis cannot be underestimated.”