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Football: Season on the line

ROUND 4 of Western Border football kicks off today with the annual Anzac Day clash between South Gambier and North Gambier. This year will see...

Football: Saints come to play

MILLICENT made a statement on Saturday in Round 3 of Western Border football, when it hosted West Gambier at McLaughlin Park. With both teams showing...

Football: Cats pounce to victory

CASTERTON Sandford has continued to show it is a front runner in the Western Border Football League this season, with last week's triumph over...

Football: Friday night lights makes return

ROUND 3 of Western Border football will draw a big crowd when it kicks off tonight with a game under lights between reigning premier...

Football: Big cat battle

WESTERN Border football throws up three more intriguing match-ups this weekend, with the North Gambier v Casterton Sandford the match of the round. Played at...

Football: West Gambier midfielder rewarded

ROUND 2 of Western Border football again showed how tough the competition will be this season. The weather played its part, with a strong wind...

Football: Roos on the rise

WEST Gambier went into its wet-weather clash with South Gambier confident in its ability on Saturday. After a narrow loss to Casterton Sandford in the...

Football: Millicent tops ladder

NORTH Gambier went into its Round 2 clash against Millicent with something to prove, after it went down to the Bulldogs in last week's...

Football: Cats trump Dogs

ON a damp and windy day for football, East Gambier and Casterton Sandford went head-to-head in the 2017 preliminary final rematch on Saturday. The Cats...

Football: Reigning Dogs and Cats

THE match of the round in Western Border football will again take place at McDonald Park, when East Gambier hosts Casterton Sandford. The Island Park...

Football: Saint flies high

WESTERN Border football has already made an impact after just one round of games, with three matches suggesting it may be a closer competition...

Football: Tigers resume hunt for victory

MILLICENT footballers will need to pull out all stops if they are to remain undefeated after Round 2 of the Western Border football season. Last...

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Western Flat beats out Keith

Juniors Red (1) vs Blue (0) Red best: Finn Quilter, Mac Loller, Abigail Duell Red goals: Finn Quilter Blue best: Emmy Finlayson, Logan Blackwell, Ryan Trebilcock The first...

Points to prove