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Tag: Regional communities

Barney Mccusker  TBW Newsgroup

Community urged to rally behind government restrictions as coronavirus war ‘far from over’

PROMINENT Mount Gambier orthopaedic surgeon Barney McCusker says the war against the coronavirus is far from over and the regional community must rally behind...

New agreement gives irrigators security for future

REGIONAL communities now have certainty after an historic agreement between federal, state and territory governments that secures the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Member for Barker Tony...

South East left in the dark

HOMEOWNERS are waiting months for new electricity meters to be installed as a result of changes to regulations, with builders running extension cords over...

Additional services for Millicent hospital

MORE services are being introduced at the Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service with the appointment of a new consultant gynaecologist. The consultant will...

Robe goes vintage for Music Fair

THE streets of Robe will once again be filled with music as the town prepares to host the Robe Vinyl and Retro Music Fair...