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Tag: millicent-based

Noel Boyle Down20200208 TBW Newsgroup

History group drives street name proposal

A PEAK history group believes a pioneering woman should be honoured at a new housing sub-division at Southend. The Millicent-based South East Family History Group...
Rob And June Gelok And Chris And Josie Skeer  TBW Newsgroup

Millicent-based history group enters 40th year

THE Millicent-based South East Family History Group has entered its 40th year in good shape after recently staging a successful annual general meeting. All nine...

Photograph collection on show at history group

VISITORS to the Millicent-based South East Family History Group on Sunday can have a close look at a rare and newly-acquired collection of historic...

Gernz takes off with launch party

GERNZ, together with Cave City Promotions, will celebrate the release of the band's two recent singles at the Gernz Single Launch Party next weekend....